The school of Hernan Cortes celebrated the Olimpics Game
The children of Hernan Cortes is celebrated on 18, 19, 20 of April is celebrated the Olympics Game this is the three days.
Wednesday: Went to the parade of Sports to the Olympics.
Thursday: We went to the track and ran firts, then jump into the sand, then javelin shot put and lost relays.
Friday: We went to playground to test: Ochery,Badminton and finally play football.
miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012
the olympic games in the school
children celebrate a small Olympi Games.
The last Wensday 18 in Talavera de la Reina the children of the school Hernan Cortes celebrate a parade of the Olympic Games. In the same time in the streets of Talavera a lot of children run with the Olympic Antorch and the flag.
The Thursday 19 the children of the same school went in a buss to the zone of sports in Talavera de la Reina. The children take the lunch and play a lot of sports. Some sports are long distance race, relay race, speed race,jabalin,long jump and shot-put.
The Friday 20 the children Paraolympic sports. Then they play shot with arch and futbol.
The Olimpics games in the Hernan Cortes.
On 18,19 and 20 of April the pupil celebrated the Olimpic games in the Hernan Cortes.
On the 18 of April the students of the Hernan Cortes do a parade. All of the students wear a green T-shirtwith a olimpic piture in it. Oyher pupil run aroun Talavera de la Reina. When the sutdents that run came to de school other pupil light the Olimpic antorch. The all the pupils dance a song.
In thursday we go to the Atletics Pits and we played a lot os funies games. Some activities that we did was: Javeline throwing, run and others. The little children went at school and where doing some activities.
On firday 20 of April all the pupils of the school were out of the class, because where in the playground. We do same activities and the students of year six wear a old T-shirt and the teachers sing it.
On the 18 of April the students of the Hernan Cortes do a parade. All of the students wear a green T-shirtwith a olimpic piture in it. Oyher pupil run aroun Talavera de la Reina. When the sutdents that run came to de school other pupil light the Olimpic antorch. The all the pupils dance a song.
In thursday we go to the Atletics Pits and we played a lot os funies games. Some activities that we did was: Javeline throwing, run and others. The little children went at school and where doing some activities.
On firday 20 of April all the pupils of the school were out of the class, because where in the playground. We do same activities and the students of year six wear a old T-shirt and the teachers sing it.
the olimpics games
The Olimpics games in Hernan cortes school.
The Hernan cortes school celebrate the olimpics games in 3 days
the school celebrate olimpics games the past wednesday 18.the boys and girls of the different class transport the torch to the school.
The thursday 19 we go to the track and we do a lot of sports:run, long jump, jabeling..
the friday 20 we do activities, we do badmington then we do activities with disabled and then archery and finally futbol.
The Olympics come to Hernan Cortes.
With the arrival of the Olympics children are very happy. with the first day the arrival of the torch at the door sports rooms, but before the torch arrives a parade of all classes when the torcharrived paraded the torchbearers are pleased a dance exhibition with a rhythmic gymnastics and end the presentation of the torch. the second day of Olympics children went to the track where racingsports bariums doing long jump javelin shot put even! the last day all very sad that the Olympics already ban but said goodbye to the Olympics in a very fun and special with disabled children in the foundation APAE, playing with children to mocha and driving wheelchairs, after doing archery with two goals and twoanimals corchopan finally played soccer on a 3x3 track, so at first I forgot to say goodbye to batminton play.
Greetings andrea.
With the arrival of the Olympics children are very happy. with the first day the arrival of the torch at the door sports rooms, but before the torch arrives a parade of all classes when the torcharrived paraded the torchbearers are pleased a dance exhibition with a rhythmic gymnastics and end the presentation of the torch. the second day of Olympics children went to the track where racingsports bariums doing long jump javelin shot put even! the last day all very sad that the Olympics already ban but said goodbye to the Olympics in a very fun and special with disabled children in the foundation APAE, playing with children to mocha and driving wheelchairs, after doing archery with two goals and twoanimals corchopan finally played soccer on a 3x3 track, so at first I forgot to say goodbye to batminton play.
Greetings andrea.
last wednesday was a beautiful parade in the gim of the school, the
TV came from the school. Then the next day we came to the atletics
we played olimpics games in the atletics clues, foe example:
resistence race.
last dey Friday he played paraolimpics games, for example: bowl.
they played badminton, and football in a clue.
martes, 24 de abril de 2012
The olimps come to Hernan Cortes
The olimpics come to Hernan Cortes
The students of the school Hernan Cortes have
the Olimpics Games in their school in the days 18,19 and 20 of April they enjoy
In wednesday 42 students run with a torch and a flag in many streets,them returned to the school to make a parade,them come famous people ,the child make a dance, avery enjoy!
In thurday they go to the atlethic pist,they run,jump and they make more thing.... They come all the pupyl of the school Hernan Cortes
In friday they play batminton and with people discapacited of a associaty call PAE,They play fotball,they play a game called '' la bocha'' there are very enjoy
The Days of the Olimpiad in the Hernán Cortés
One of the tree days in the Olimpiad of the Hernán Cortés. Whit sports, a parade and a lot of fun.
In Wednesday The children of the Hernán Cortés do a parade whit Olimpic flags and a dance. But, in the streets of Talavera 42 pupils of the Hernán Cortés went to run with the torch. Then all the people dance a song that he have learn with Marianela, one teacher of the school. Then the other days we do all sports.
One of the tree days in the Olimpiad of the Hernán Cortés. Whit sports, a parade and a lot of fun.
A picture of a photo of the V Olimpiad in the Hernán Cortés
In Wednesday The children of the Hernán Cortés do a parade whit Olimpic flags and a dance. But, in the streets of Talavera 42 pupils of the Hernán Cortés went to run with the torch. Then all the people dance a song that he have learn with Marianela, one teacher of the school. Then the other days we do all sports.
The CEIP Hernán Cortés celebrated the V Olympic Games.
The CEIP Hernán Cortés celebrated the V Olympic Games from the 18 to 20 April.
The Wednesday we did the parade with the torch and the flags. We did the parade in the sport center Puerta de Cuartos with the presence of some Olympic athletes.
On Thursday we went to the runways to play some Olympic sports.
And on the last day we did some paralympic sports, football, badminton,...
The Wednesday we did the parade with the torch and the flags. We did the parade in the sport center Puerta de Cuartos with the presence of some Olympic athletes.
On Thursday we went to the runways to play some Olympic sports.
And on the last day we did some paralympic sports, football, badminton,...
Olympic New
Olympic Game in a school
In a school of Talavera de la Reina the school is call Hernan Cortes. The children of this school do same thing like a Olympic Game. This Olympic Game be last for three days.
On wesnday there is a inaguration parade. All the children do a flag and came to the sport center in order. Some children run in Talavera whit the olympic torch and then they go to the sport center.
On thursday the children of this school of primary went to the runing truck. There they did alot of activities like running, throw jabalin, jump ...
On fraday in this school the children did especial activities. They play with paralytic especial game to this people, then they do archery and football three.
The Ceip of Henan Cortes celebrate olimpic game for three days.In the first day we did a parade,and a lot of people come to se us.The other day we went to the athletic, and we didi a lot of activities and the last day we stayed in the school but we did a lot of other activities.
New of Hernán Cortés Olimpics games
Hernán Cortés Olimpics games
In the days 18, 19 & 20 April the school
Hernán Cortés celebrated Olimpics games.
In Wednesday 18, 10:30 am some students ran with the olimpic torch and the olimpic flag in Talavera de la Reina streets. When the torch and the flag returned to the school
they did a parade, and in the parade participated some Talavera athleths.
In Thursday 19 the students in bus to the athletic pist
and they participated in some olimpics games like: long
jump, javelin, relief run...
In Friday 20 the students of the school play with the
people of the asociation A.P.A.E. and played football
people of the asociation A.P.A.E. and played football
and archery.
in Hernán Cortés
Cortés celebrated the Olympics
three days: wednesday, opening,
go to practise and
practise paralympic.
Hernán Cortés celebrated Olympics
in three days:
-Wednesday: On Wednesday 40
children went to transport the Olympic torch to the sport centre of
Hernán Cortés. Then they do the ceremony of the Olympics.
-Thursday: On thursday all the
school went to practise Olympic sports. They practise 80 meters, 400
meters, long jump, shifts and weight's launch.
-Friday: On Friday they practise
paralympic games and some olympics like football, badminton...
lunes, 23 de abril de 2012
Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the Hernan Cortes School in Talavera de la Reina organized a lot of activities about Olimpics Games. On Wednesday 18th they made the official parade in the starting ceremony of Olympic Games with flags, the Olimpic Oath and the most important thing, the Olimpic Torch. On Thursday 19th they went to the runways to participate in a little Olympic Competition with a lot of activities for example: Running, Reshifts, Jump, a test of speed, etc...
And finally, on Friday 20th the school organized a special day with Badminton, Football, Archery and Paraolimpic game.
Hola chic@s:
Os recuerdo que el próximo viernes 27 de abril tendremos el control del tema 9 de lengua. Entra lo siguiente:
- Expresión oral: convencer a los demás.
- Prefijos de negación y oposición.
- Reglas de uso de la x.
- Complemento directo e indirecto.
- Las reglas de un juego.
- Narrativa: la novela.
- Hacer un trabajo: planificación y documentación.
Os recuerdo que el próximo viernes 27 de abril tendremos el control del tema 9 de lengua. Entra lo siguiente:
- Expresión oral: convencer a los demás.
- Prefijos de negación y oposición.
- Reglas de uso de la x.
- Complemento directo e indirecto.
- Las reglas de un juego.
- Narrativa: la novela.
- Hacer un trabajo: planificación y documentación.
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012
Hola chic@s:
Os recuerdo que el próximo martes 17 de abril tendremos el control del tema 9 de matemáticas "Unidades de medida"
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